
邱俊彥 副教授


邱俊彥  Chun-Yen Chiu

箭頭職稱      副教授
箭頭學歷      國立成功大學化學所博士
箭頭電話      7624002 ext. 2611
箭頭Email     cychiu@tajen.edu.tw


  1. 國立成功大學化學系學士。
  2. 國立清華大學化工所碩士。
  3. 國立成功大學化學所博士。
  4. 大仁科技大學環境資源管理系暨環境管理研究所系主任兼所長(94年7月~100年8月)。
  5. 國際暨兩岸事務處兩岸事務中心 ( 103年2月~104年3月)。
  6. 國際暨兩岸事務處境外學生中心 ( 104年4月~105年3月)
  7. 大仁科技大學環境與職業安全衛生系暨環境管理碩士班系主任兼所長(1102~1117)




  1. ISO 14064-1:2018溫室氣體主任查證員
  2. ISO 14064-1:2018溫室氣體盤查內部查證員
  3. 勞動部技術士技能檢定術科測試監評人員-『下水道設施操作維護』職類水質檢驗項乙級技術士技能檢定術科測試監評人員
  4. 有機溶劑作業主管訓練及格證書
  5. 甲級毒性物質管理技術人員及格證書
  6. 自來水事業技術人員-化驗人員


  1. 科技部計畫:應用IoT技術評估校園內以高硝酸鹽地下水為水源飲水機濾材之更換時機, 主持人(110年)
  2. 教育部計畫:社區食品安全防護網與永續環境經營, 協同主持人(109-110年)
  3. 教育部計畫:以iLMS及UCAN評估實作課程影像化對學生共通職能及專業職能表現之影響, 協同主持人(110年)
  4. 教育部計畫:兼具大學社會責任及專業證照導向之課程設計-以環境污染物分析為例, 協同主持人(109年)
  5. 教育部計畫:離岸風機施工及高處作業安全衛生管理人才連貫式培育方案, 共同主持人(108年)
  6. 教育部計畫:環安衛專業應用技術型人才培育之實踐教學研究, 協同主持人(108年)
  7. 屏東縣環保局計畫:107年度屏東縣環保局「青年環教志工培訓營計畫」,共同主持人(107年)
  8. 屏東縣環保局計畫:屏東縣107年度環境教育計畫,主持人(107年)


  1. 李正江 、陳上權 、吳佩芬 、邱俊彥 、賴文亮 *,
  2. 大學校園飲水機在假日及非假日處理水量及耗電量之差異性分析,2022 環境安全衛生暨消防工程研討會,高雄,台灣,May 5(2022). 
  3. 邱建榮、曹靜雯、邱俊彥、陳立夫、賴文亮,實廠氧化後混凝對有機物移除及腐植質成份特徵激發發射光譜之特性變化,2017 環境安全衛生暨消防工程研討會,高雄,台灣,Apr. 27-28(2017)
  4. 黃于珊、邱建榮、戴玉鳳、邱俊彥、詹聖慶、賴文亮,實廠後臭氧生物活性碳濾床進出水中有機物性質之變化,2017 環境安全衛生暨消防工程研討會,高雄,台灣,Apr. 27-28(2017)
  5. 陳冠伶、徐已凱、石鎧軒、杜晉邑、邱俊彥、賴文亮,高屏溪流域各支流於枯水期間有機物含量與光譜特性之相關性,2017 環境安全衛生暨消防工程研討會,高雄,台灣,Apr. 27-28(2017)
  6. 蕭中盛、曹靖雯、邱俊彥、詹聖慶、賴文亮,河川底泥連續性酸鹼萃取有機物分子量大小、腐植化指數及生物性指數,2017 環境安全衛生暨消防工程研討會,高雄,台灣,Apr. 27-28(2017)
  7. Jing-Wen Cao, Chun-Yen Chiu , Lih-Fu Chen , Wen-Liang Lai(2017) Relationships among THM, NPDOC and Organic Spectrometric Characteristics in Finished Water from MT Water Treatment, HANOI VIETNAM, June 20-22(2017)
  8. Jian-Rong Ciou , Zhong-Sheng Xiao , Jing-Wen Cao , Chun-Yen Chiu , Sheng-Ching Chan , Wen-Liang Lai *(2017), The Divergences of Carbon Content for both Commercial Products Measured by Total Organic Chromatography with 650 ℃ and 850℃, Nagoya Conference Proceedings-EAS, CES, May 16-17(2017)
  9. Jing-Wen Cao , Zhong-Sheng Xiao , Guan-Ling Chen , Chun-Yen Chiu , Sheng-Ching Chan , Wen-Liang Lai *(2017), EEFM Contour, Molecular Weights and SUVA Values for Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid from IHSS Suwannee, Nagoya Conference Proceedings-EAS, CES, May 16-17(2017)
  10. 邱俊彥、曹靜雯、賴文亮(2018),優養化湖水中有機物來源及螢光特徵主成分之差異,第八屆海峽兩岸環境與生態會議武夷山論壇,中國武夷山,Aug.19-21(2018)
  11. Guan-Ling Chen ,Jing-Wen Cao , Chun-Yen Chiu , Lih-Fu Chen , Wen-Liang Lai *(2017),Organic fluorescent characteristics of five tributaries in Gaoping River Basin in Dry Season, International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological & Chemical Engineering, Japan, Aug.20-22(2017)
  12. Jing-Wen Cao, Chun-Yen Chiu , Guan-Ling Chen, Zhong-Sheng Xiao,Lih-fu Chen, Wen-Liang Lai (2016) The Long-term Variation of Organic Characteristics in Donggang River Using Excitation Emission Fluorescent matrix (EEFM) Integrated with Parallel Factor Analysis ( PARAFAC), 3rd International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG).
  13. Jing-Wen Cao, Lih-Fu Chen, Chun-Yen Chiu , Jian-Rong Ciou,Yu-Shan Huang, Wen-Liang Lai (2016) The Divergences of Organic Characteristics of Source Waters from FS and CCL Water Treatment and Its Removal by Alum, 3rd International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG).
  14. JenJeng Chen, YuRu Li, MengZhi Xie, ChunYen Chiu, WenLiang Lai(2012), Optimization of transesterification of microalgal biomass using factorial design methodology, The 4th International conference on applied energy (ICAE2012), China, Suzhou,July 5-8
  15. JenJeng Chen, YuRu Li, ChunYen Chiu, MengZhi Xie, WenLiang Lai (2012), Culture of green microalgae in piggery wastewater for lipid production, The 4th International conference on applied energy (ICAE2012), China, Suzhou,July 5-8
  16. Chun-Yen Chiu, Wei-Lun Lee, Chung-Yi Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau1,Wen-Liang Lai , and Shao-Wei Liao*(2012),Distribution and sources of PAHs and sediment properties in Southern, 2012 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection, Hohhot,China,June 23-24
  17. Jian-Li Lin , Hsiao-Jung Ho, Jen-Jeng Chen,Chun-Yen Chiu, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen –Liang Lai*(2012),The Divergences of Organic Matter Released from Ozonated Biofilter Inoculated with Indigenous , 2012 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection, Hohhot,China,June 23-24
  18. Jian-Li Lin , Hsiao-Jung Ho, Shao-Wei Liao,Jen-Jeng Chen,Chun-Yen Chiu, Wen –Liang Lai*(2012),The Organic Characteristics released from Chlorella sp. and Chodatella sp. after Ultrasonication, 2012 Asia Pacific Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,Feb.1-3
  19. Jen-Jeng Chen, Yu-Ru Li, Meng-ZhiXie, Chun-Yen Chiu, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai(2012),Factorial Design of Experiment for Biofuel Production by Isochrysis Galbana, 2012 International Conference on Environment, Energy and Biotechnology(ICEEB 2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,May.5-6
  20. Chung-Yi Chung, Jen-Jeng Chen, Chun-Yen Chiu, Wen-Liang Lai, Shao-Wei Liao(2011), Interpretation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contaminants and soil properties of surface sediment in Dapeng Bay and neighbouring rivers, The International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health, May 10-12, Wuhan, China
  21. 徐薇茹,邱俊彥(2011), 溼地生態旅遊的環境知識,環境態度及重遊意願之研究-以大鵬灣國家風景區為例, 南台灣休閒產業理論與實務研討會,6月10日,屏東,台灣
  22. 林建立,陳上權,何曉蓉,蔡明翰,邱俊彥,賴文亮(2011), 快濾床反洗後出水中微粒表面之物性及化性變化, 第七屆海峽兩岸水質安全控制技術與管理研討會,11月27日,台南,台灣
  23. XU Yuan, Jen-Jeng Chen*, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai, Chun-Yen Chiu(2010), The Potential of Biodiesel Production from Microalgae, RENEWABLE ENERGY 2010 INTERNATIONAL Conference and Exhibition,June 27-July2, Yokohama,Japan
  24. 邱俊彥、范坤銘、陳宏哲、梁雅萍、林聖閔、廖少威*(2010), 南台灣主要河川底泥多環芳香烴之探討, 第十三屆海峽兩岸環境保護學術研討會,4月23-25,重慶,中國


  1. Zou Tie-Mei, Guo Yan-Wei, Chiu Chun-Yen , Cao Jing-Wen , Lai Wen-Liang(2020),Effects of Varied Tyrosine Concentrations on FEEM and SFS of Constant Tryptophan concentration, Earth and Environmental Science, vols.526
  2. Cao, J., Chen, L., Chiu, C., Ciou, J., Huang, Y., & Lai, W. (2016). The Divergences of Organic Characteristics of Source Waters from Fs and Ccl Water Treatment and Its Removal by Alum.  International Journal of Science and Technology, 2(3), 10-21.
  3. Jing-Wen Cao, Chun-Yen Chiu, Guan-Ling Chen, Zhong-Sheng Xiao, Lih-fu Chen, Wen-Liang Lai(2016), The Long -Term Variation of Organic Characteristics in Donggang River Using Excitation Emission Fluorescent Matrix (EEFM) Intergrated with Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC), : International Journal of Science and Technology, 2(3), 01-09.
  4. Yen Lee, Hsiu-Fei Hu, Chun-Yen Chiu(2013), Using agar–alginate immobilized cyanobacteria (Dermocarpella sp.) arranged in tubular chains to treat swine farm waste water, J Appl Phycol, DOI 10.1007/s10811-013-0033-4
  5. Chun-Yen Chiu, Wei-Lun Lee, Chung-Yi Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau1,Wen-Liang Lai , and Shao-Wei Liao*(2012),Distribution and sources of PAHs and sediment properties in Southern, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 518-523, pp 1301-1306
  6. Jian-Li Lin , Hsiao-Jung Ho, Jen-Jeng Chen,Chun-Yen Chiu, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen –Liang Lai*(2012),The Divergences of Organic Matter Released from Ozonated Biofilter Inoculated with Indigenous , Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 518-523, pp 1813-1816
  7. Chung-Yi Chung ,Jen-Jeng Chen ,Chang-Gai Lee ,Chun-Yen Chiu ,Wen-Liang Lai ,Shao-Wei Liao(2010), Integrated estuary management for diffused sediment pollution in Dapeng Bay and neighboring rivers, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment publication, DOI 10.1007
  8. 陳振正,邱俊彥,廖少威,賴文亮(2009),藻類產製生質柴油,科學月刊,438期
  9. 廖少威,賴文亮,陳振正,邱俊彥(2008), 大鵬灣底質特性空間變異暨與鄰近河川底質特性之分類研究,農業工程學報,54卷,2期
  10. 賴文亮,廖少威,陳振正,邱俊彥(2008)有機肥料與淨水廠污泥摻配製作植栽土之可行性評估,大仁學報,32期
  11. 李維綸、許嘉裕、賴文亮、邱俊彥、李崇垓、廖少威*(2007, 3)“以典型相關分析探討水域環境因子對初級生產力評量因子之影響”,大仁學報,第30期, pp.47-62。(Tajen 93102)
  12. 廖少威*、許嘉裕、邱俊彥、賴文亮、陳振正、李崇垓(2005)“以判別分析法探討大鵬灣海域水質受鄰近河川污染之影響”,中華民國環境保護學會學刊, 第28卷, 第2期,第160-173.頁.
  13. 許嘉裕、賴文亮、邱俊彥、陳振正、李崇垓、廖少威(2005)「以因子分析方法說明大鵬灣海域開發前後之水質特性」,大仁學報, 第27期,pp.51-66曾智檉、吳勤榮、邱俊彥、廖少威、徐淑玲、賴文亮*(2005)”加氯對SPA 養生池水質之影響”,大仁學報, 第27期, pp.37-50.(Tajen. 94005)